Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

4.3 Important Techniques of Analysis in Business Process Engineering

Intended learning outcomes: Explain the organization-oriented process chart as well as the detailed analysis and time study of processes. Disclose manufacturing and service processes in the company-internal and transcorporate layout.

Business process engineering is the discipline of design and improvement of business processes.

The term “engineering” underlines that this is an engineering science approach. This shows in the emphasis on the constructive aspect and on methods, models, and techniques.

An analysis of the processes and their representation with a process map form the basis for all necessary changes both within and across companies.

A process map is a diagram of the flow of a production process or service process through the production system. Standardized symbols are used to designate the different aspects of the process.

The process analysis requires examination of processes and procedures with regard to their success (effectiveness) and their efficiency. Like any systems analysis, analysis of processes gives us a picture of ancillary constraints and yields initial suggestions for improvement.

Various techniques of process analysis yield different ways of viewing logistics contents. In addition, each technique has its own character with regard to the way data are collected (for example, interviewing experts and participants, observations throughout the course of order processing). These factors can influence the results. Redundant findings using various methods are desirable, for they ensure the soundness of the conclusions.

In the following, we will introduce simple and often-used techniques. They can be used for the description of every kind of output (service, product, or product family) in appropriate detail. Whenever possible, the findings should be complemented as early as this stage with information on 1.) lead times of the processes, 2.) frequency and periodicity of the processes, and 3.) states that launch the processes or part processes.

Course section 4.3: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes

Course 4: Sections and their intended learning outcomes

  • 4.4 Characteristic Features Relevant to Planning & Control in Supply Chains

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on principle and validity of characteristics in planning & control. Explain six features in reference to customer, and item or product or product family, five features in reference to logistics and production resources, as well as seven features in reference to the production or procurement order. Describe important relationships between characteristic features of transcorporate logistics in supply chains.

  • 4.5 Branches, Production Types, and Concepts for Planning & Control

    Intended learning outcomes: Describe branches of industry in dependency upon two characteristic features, "volume versus variety". Explain in detail production types and concepts for planning & control. Disclose selecting an appropriate branch model, production type, and concept for planning & control.

  • 4.6 Summary


  • 4.7 Keywords


  • 4.8 Scenarios and Exercises

    Intended learning outcomes: Differentiate between various concepts for planning & control within the company. Using process charts for synchronization between use and manufacturing with inventory control processes. Elaborate a basic process analysis as well as manufacturing processes in the company-internal layout.

  • 4.9 References
