Integrales Logistikmanagement — Operations Management und Supply Chain Management innerhalb des Unternehmens und unternehmens­übergreifend

Kapitel 7 – Das Konzept für Produktfamilien und Einmalproduktion

Beabsichtigte Lernergebnisse: Logistische Charakteristiken eines Produktevielfaltskonzepts vorlegen. Adaptive und generative Techniken erklären. Deren Einsatz für „Engineer-to-order“ beschreiben.Verschiedene Arten der Zusammenarbeit zwischen F&E und Engineering in ETO-Firmen unterscheiden.

Section 7.1.1: High-Variety Manufacturing and Low-Variety Manufacturing

Intended learning outcomes: Identify values of characteristic features for high-variety manufacturing. Explain long- and medium-term planning for manufacturing according to customer specification or of product families with many variants. Disclose values of characteristic features for low-variety manufacturing.

Quiz: Characteristics of a Product Variety Concept.

Section 7.1.2: Different Variant-Oriented Techniques, and the Final Assembly Schedule (FAS)

Intended learning outcomes: Differentiate between adaptive and generative variant-oriented techniques. Disclose typical sets of characteristics and production types that arise frequently with the four product variety concepts. Describe how the MPS concerns the highest structure level still having a small number of different items. Identify FAS/MPS/OPP patterns in dependency on the product variety concept and their relation to the patterns of the T analysis.

Exercise: Product variety concepts.

Quiz on variant-oriented techniques.

Section 7.2.1: Techniques for Standard Products with Few Variants

Intended learning outcomes: Present the conventional variant structure for a few, stockable variants. Explain the production plan and its corresponding MPS at the end product level and at the assembly level. Describe the revision of the MPS according to actual splitting of family demand as given by the FAS.

Adaptive Techniques (Questions).

Section 7.3.1: The Combinatorial Aspect and the Problem of Redundant Data

Intended learning outcomes: Present setting the parameters of the fire damper. Disclose the number of possible combinations with n parameters as well as an example for number of identical bill-of-material positions.

Exercise Bike Factory

Section 7.3.3: The Use of Production Rules in Order Processing

Intended learning outcomes: Present an excerpt from the parameterized bill of material for the fire damper. Identify data storage complexity for the fire damper example. Disclose the use of generative techniques in connection with CAD and CAM as well as in the service industries.

Exercise on rule-based configuration techniques: Determine possible configurations

Section 7.4.2: Approach for Basic Engineer-to-Order

Intended learning outcomes: Explain the template for bill of material and routing sheet used to work out similar variants.

Routing sheet