Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

7.5.2b The Portfolio of Cooperation Types between R&D and Engineering in ETO Companies

Intended learning outcomes: Explain the portfolio of cooperation types between R&D and Engineering in ETO companies.

Continuation from previous subsection (7.5.2)

[SöWe17] also contains examples of ETO companies with two other types of cooperation, which fall between the two types in Figure This situation entails a two-dimensional classification where influencing factors 1.) to 4.) above represent one dimension, and factors 5.) and 6.) represent the other. Figure shows the resulting portfolio.

Figure    The portfolio of cooperation types between R&D and Engineering in ETO companies. (A filled arrow shows high cooperation in the respective direction, an empty arrow shows low cooperation).

Sector C1 describes the high, and Sector C4 the low mutual cooperation between R&D and Engineering in both the PD and OSE processes, as discussed with Figure

The cooperation type in sector C2 represents a situation where R&D regularly cooperates with Engineering in OSE by supporting the development of new product specifications, while, vice versa, Engineering cooperates rather less with R&D in PD.

The cooperation type in sector C3 represents a situation where Engineering contributes to defining the new variants or components by updating the product family in PD, whilst, vice versa, R&D is largely not included in OSE activities.

Workshops showed that comparing practices and tools becomes fully useful when it involves two firms that use the same cooperation type according to the classification in Figure But even then, the practices and tools must be adapted to suit the specific situation of the relevant company and product family.

Course section 7.5: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes