Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

6.8.4 Exercise: Calculating the Number of Kanban Cards

Intended learning outcomes: Present data on three products for calculation of the number of Kanban cards. Calculate the required number of Kanban cards before and after the process improvement.

An automotive company has implemented a JIT program using Kanbans to signal the movement and production of product. The average inventory levels have been reduced to where they are roughly proportional to the number of Kanbans in use. Figure shows the data for three of the products.

Fig.        Data on three products for calculation of the number of Kanban cards.

a. The process engineers have been hard at work improving the manufacturing process. They have initiated a new project to reduce lead time from 36 days to 21 days. What would the percentage change in average inventory be for each item?

Solution: Using the formula in Figure, calculate the required number of Kanban cards before and after the process improvement. As inventory is proportional to number of Kanbans, the inventory reduction corresponds to the reduction of the number of Kanban cards.

  • Item 1:           before,   7; after, 5     -->      Inventory reduction: 29%
  • Item 2:           before,   9; after, 6     -->      Inventory reduction: 33%
  • Item 3:           before, 10; after, 7     -->     Inventory reduction: 30%

b. Calculate the number of Kanban cards using other data values. Try to answer the following questions:

• What is the minimum number of Kanban cards required in any case?

• How do the safety factor and the number of containers per transport batch influence the number of Kanban cards required?

Course section 6.8: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes