Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

9.7 References

ASCM22Pittman, P. et al., ASCM Dictionary, 17th Ed., APICS/ASCM, Chicago, 2022
IBM81IBM, “Communications Oriented Production Information and Control Sys­tem (COPICS),” Brochures Vol. 1–8, IBM G320-1974-0 to G320-1981-0, 1981
IBM83IBM, copied from Hollerith-Mitteilungen, No. 3 (June 1913), copied and translated from IBM-Nachrichten 33, 1983
Mart93Martin, R., “Einflussfaktoren auf Akzeptanz und Einführungsumfang von Produktionsplanung und -steuerung (PPS),” Verlag Peter Lang, 1993
MöMe96Möhle, S., Weigelt, M., Braun, M., Mertens, P., “Kann man ein einfaches PPS-System mit Microsoft-Bausteinen entwickeln?” 12(5) 1996, pp. 47–52
Nien04Nienhaus, J., “Modeling, Analysis, and Improvement of Supply Chains — a Structured Approach,” Dissertation ETH Zurich, No. 15809, 2004

Course 9: Sections and their intended learning outcomes