Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

8.2 Processor-Oriented Master and Order Data Management

Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on processes, technology, and resources. Present the process train: a processor-oriented production structure. Disclose lot control in inventory management.

In Section 1.2, the product structure, production structure, and process plan were each “attached” to a product. This conventional, assembly-oriented arrangement it is not suitable for the process industry. The process industry requires extended business objects that essentially reflect an order structure with various possible products. This section introduces some new business objects and extensions to objects already discussed. Detailed modeling of these business objects is discussed in Section 17.4.

Course section 8.2: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes

Course 8: Sections and their intended learning outcomes

  • Course 8 – The Concept for the Process Industry

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce characteristics of the process industry. Disclose processor-oriented master and order data management. Explain in detail processor-oriented resource management. Describe special features of long-term planning.

  • 8.2 Processor-Oriented Master and Order Data Management

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on processes, technology, and resources. Present the process train: a processor-oriented production structure. Disclose lot control in inventory management.

  • 8.3 Processor-Oriented Resource Management

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain campaign planning. Differentiate between processor-dominated Scheduling and material-dominated scheduling. Describe a nonlinear usage quantity and a product structure with loops.

  • 8.1 Characteristics of the Process Industry

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain divergent product structures and by-products. Describe high-volume line production, flow resources and inflexible facilities. Produce an overview on large batches, lot traceability, and loops in the order structure.