Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

10.2.2 First-Order Exponential Smoothing Forecast

Intended learning outcomes: Identify the weighted mean as well as exponential demand weighting. Explain first-order exponential smoothing: mean, MAD, and standard deviation. Disclose the average age of the observed values.

If we wish to adapt the forecasting technique to actual demand, the demand values for the last periods must be weighted more heavily, according to the principle of the weighted mo­ving average. The formula in Figure takes this weighting into account; the variables were chosen according to the definitions in Figure and include an indefinite number of periods. Gt-i always expresses the weighting of demand in the period (t–i). [note 1005]

Fig.       Weighted mean.

In the first-order exponential smoothing forecast technique, or single (exponential) smoothing, the weights are in an exponentially declining relationship and adhere to the definitions in Figure

Fig.       Exponential demand weighting.

Figure shows the calculation of Mean smoothed consumption as measure of mean, and Mean absolute deviation (MAD) as measure of dispersion. See also the definitions of indexes and variables in Figure

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Fig.       First-order exponential smoothing: mean, MAD, and standard Deviation.

Since the weighting Gy follows a geometric series, the recursive calcula­tion indicated in the formulas is self-evident. These formulas allow us to perform the same calculation as in moving average using only the past values for mean and MAD and the demand value for the current period instead of many demand values. With a normal distribution, standard deviation and mean absolute deviation (MAD) stand in the same relationship as that given in Figure

The recursion to Mt-1 results by factoring out (1-a) of the part of the formula that is emphasized by the horizontally cambered bracket. Factual equality between σ and MAD*1.25 requires n>30 or α < 6.5%. Figure shows the average age of the observed values. The age of Nt-i is i for 0 ≤ i ≤ n-1.

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Fig.       Average age of the observed values.

Continuation in next subsection (10.2.2b).

Course section 10.2: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes

  • 10.2 Historically Oriented Techniques for Constant Demand

    Intended learning outcomes: Describe the moving average forecast. Explain the first-order exponential smoothing forecast. Differentiate between the moving average forecast and the first-order exponential smoothing forecast.

  • 10.2.1 Moving Average Forecast

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain mean and standard deviation in the moving average forecasting technique. Disclose the average age of the observed values. Present an example of determining the forecast value using moving average.

  • 10.2.2 First-Order Exponential Smoothing Forecast

    Intended learning outcomes: Identify the weighted mean as well as exponential demand weighting. Explain first-order exponential smoothing: mean, MAD, and standard deviation. Disclose the average age of the observed values.

  • 10.2.2b The Smoothing Constant α, or Alpha Factor

    Intended learning outcomes: Describe how the smoothing constant α determines the weighting of the past. Present an example of first-order exponential smoothing.