Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

9.2 Contents of ERP Software and SCM Software

Intended learning outcomes: Describe classical MRP II / ERP software. Present software for customer order production, for the process industry, for transcorporate planning & control in a supply chain, and for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Differentiate between standard and company-specific software.

Every ERP or SCM software package has developed in a slightly different way. Some were designed for specific branches of industry, products, or production characteristics. The developers also learned their craft in a certain type of company environment, which shows in the features of the software.

Course section 9.1: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes

Course 9: Sections and their intended learning outcomes

  • Course 9 – ERP Software and SCM Software

    Intended learning outcomes: Describe software used for logistics purposes. Explain contents of logistics software packages. Disclose factors for successful implementation of logistics software.

  • 9.1 Software in the Area of ERP and SCM: An Introduction

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on history and origin of ERP software. Disclose scope and range of ERP and SCM software.

  • 9.2 Contents of ERP Software and SCM Software

    Intended learning outcomes: Describe classical MRP II / ERP software. Present software for customer order production, for the process industry, for transcorporate planning & control in a supply chain, and for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Differentiate between standard and company-specific software.

  • 9.6 Scenarios and Exercises

    Intended learning outcomes: Review factors that influence people’s acceptance of ERP software. Differentiate between standard and company-specific software. Describe basic issues of software for transcorporate planning & control.

  • 9.7 References
