Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

8.8 References

ASCM22Pittman, P. et al., ASCM Dictionary, 17th Ed., APICS/ASCM, Chicago, 2022
Hofm92Hofmann, M., “PPS — nichts für die chemische Industrie?” in Management Zeitschrift Bd. 61, No. 1, Zurich, 1992
Hofm95Hofmann, M., “Konzeption eines Prozessinformations- und Managementsystems,” Gabler Edition, Wissenschaft, Wiesbaden, 1995
Hübe96Hübel, S., “Unterstützung zeitkritischer Dokumentations­prozesse in der Pharmaindustrie,” BWI-Reihe Forschungsberichte für die Unternehmens­praxis, vdf Hochschulverlag, Zurich, 1996
HüTr98Hübel, S., Treichler, J., “Organizational Concepts for Production Planning and Resource Allocation in a Multi-national Pharmaceutical Enterprise,” in Brandt, D., Cernetic, J., Eds., “Automated Systems Based on Human Skills,” IFAC/Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1998
Kask95McKaskill, T., “Process Planning — In Search of a Standard,” Proceedings of the APICS World Symposium, Auckland, Australasian Production and Inventory Control Society, 1995
Loos95Loos, P., “Information Management for Integrated Systems in Process Industries,” in Brand, D., Martin, T., Eds., “Automated Systems Based on Human Skills,” IFAC/Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1995
Namu14NAMUR-Recommendation, Standardization Committee for Measuring and Control Engineering in the Chemical Industry, 2014
Sche95bScherer, E., “Approaches to Complexity and Uncertainty of Scheduling in Process Industries,” in Brand, D., Martin, T., Eds., “Automated Systems Based on Human Skills,” IFAC/Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1995
TaBo00Taylor, S.G., Bolander, St.F., “Process Flow Scheduling Principles,” APICS — The Association for Operations Management, Chicago, IL, 2000

Course 8: Sections and their intended learning outcomes

  • Course 8 – The Concept for the Process Industry

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce characteristics of the process industry. Disclose processor-oriented master and order data management. Explain in detail processor-oriented resource management. Describe special features of long-term planning.

  • 8.2 Processor-Oriented Master and Order Data Management

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on processes, technology, and resources. Present the process train: a processor-oriented production structure. Disclose lot control in inventory management.

  • 8.3 Processor-Oriented Resource Management

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain campaign planning. Differentiate between processor-dominated Scheduling and material-dominated scheduling. Describe a nonlinear usage quantity and a product structure with loops.

  • 8.4 Special Features of Long-Term Planning

    Intended learning outcomes: Disclose the determination of the degree of detail of the master production schedule. Describe pipeline planning across several independent locations.

  • Case [Course 8]


  • 8.1 Characteristics of the Process Industry

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain divergent product structures and by-products. Describe high-volume line production, flow resources and inflexible facilities. Produce an overview on large batches, lot traceability, and loops in the order structure.