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Course 2: Sections and their intended learning outcomes
Course 2 – Supply Chain Design: Business Relations and Risks
Intended learning outcomes: Explain concepts such as the make-or-buy decision, tariff-orientation and total cost of ownership in a global supply chain. Differentiate strategic design options for the relationships with and the selection of suppliers. Disclose strategies for intensive cooperation in the supply chain. Describe identification, assessment and handling of supply chain risks.
2.1 Ownership and Trade in a Global Supply Chain
Intended learning outcomes: Present the concept of the make-or-buy decision in detail. Explain the value content requirements and tariff-orientation in a global supply chain. Describe the total cost of ownership in a global supply chain.
2.2 Strategic Procurement
Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on strategic procurement. Differentiate between traditional market-oriented relationship and Customer-Supplier Partnership. Describe strategic procurement portfolios. Explain strategic selection of suppliers. Present basics of supplier relationship management and e-procurement solutions.
2.3 Designing a Strategic Partnership Relationship
Intended learning outcomes: Present target area strategies for intensive cooperation. Explain the Advanced Logistics Partnership (ALP) model with concepts such as building trust, working out collaborative processes in the supply chain, avoiding the bullwhip effect. Describe the virtual enterprise and other forms of coordination among companies.
2.4 Supply Chain Risk Management
Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on supply chain risk management. Explain the identification of supply chain risks. Describe the assessment of supply chain risks. Disclose how supply chain risks can be handled.
2.5 Summary
2.6 Keywords
2.7 Scenarios and Exercises
Intended learning outcomes: Explain various aspects of the advanced logistics partnership (ALP) model. Evaluate different company relationships in the supply chain.
2.8 References