Intended learning outcomes: Present business-partner, and order-related business objects in detail. Explain product-related, process-related, and resource-related business objects. Produce an overview on rough-cut business objects.
As Section 1.1 did, also this Section contains numerous definitions. The business objects presented here will be familiar to some readers because of their own professional experience. They may want to skim through these sections and go directly to the sections in 1.3 and 1.4 that deal with the challenges the enterprise faces, keeping in mind that they can always return here for definitions of terms that require some explanation. The important business objects will be described below in principle, that is, in their perception as total objects.
Course section 1.2: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes
1.2 Business Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Present business-partner, and order-related business objects in detail. Explain product-related, process-related, and resource-related business objects. Produce an overview on rough-cut business objects.
1.2.1 Customer, Supplier: Business-Partner Objects; Order, Customer Order, Procurement Order, Production Order, Overhead Order: Order-Related Business Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Present in detail the order as a business object. Produce an overview on terms such as customer, supplier, business partner, due date, customer order, procurement order, production order, overhead order.
1.2.1b Order Promising, Order Confirmation, Order Status, Order Header, Order Main Section, Order Footer: Order-Related Business Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on terms such as order promising, order confirmation, order status. Differentiate between order positions for items (to be) delivered and labor (to be) performed.
1.2.2 Item, Component, End Product, Assembly, Raw Material, Spare Part, Item Family: Product-Related Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on business objects such as item, specializations thereof (particularly part and component), spare part and item family.
1.2.2b Product Structure, Bill of Material, Product Family, Product Variant, Commonality: Product-Related Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Explain the product structure and the bill of material. Differentiate between a convergent and a divergent product structure. Describe the concepts of product family, product variant, and commonality.
1.2.3 Operation, Operation Time, Setup, Run Time, Routing Sheet, Critical Path, Interoperation Time, Production Lead Time: Process-Related Business Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Present in detail business objects such as operation, setup and run time. Explain the routing sheet, the critical path, interoperation time and the production lead time.
1.2.3b Production Structure, Product Module, Cumulative Lead Time, Process Plan, Lead-Time Offset: Process-Related Business Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Describe the production structure, the product module, and the cumulative lead time. Disclose the process plan. and the lead-time offset.
1.2.4 Employees, Facilities, Workstation, Production Equipment, Work Center, Capacity, Load, Standard Load, Actual Load: Resource-Related Business Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on terms such as employees, facilities, workstations, production equipment, work center, capacity, load, work-center load. Differentiate between standard load and actual load
1.2.4b Work Center Load, Load Profile, Capacity Utilization, Work Center Efficiency, Rated Capacity: Resource-Related Business Objects
Explain the work-center load and the load profile of a work center. Disclose capacity utilization and work center efficiency. Differentiate between rated capacity and theoretical capacity.
1.2.5 Rough-Cut Product Structure, Rough-Cut Work Center, Rough-Cut Operation, Rough-Cut Process Plan: Rough-Cut Business Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Identify reasons and principles for defining rough-cut business objects. Disclose the rough-cut product structure, the rough-cut work center, the rough-cut operation, and the rough-cut process plan. Explain a way to derive a rough-cut process plan from a detailed process plan.
1.2.5b Bill of Resources, Product Load Profile: Rough-Cut Business Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Describe the bill of resources. Explain a way to establish a product load profile from a rough-cut process plan.
Course 1: Sections and their intended learning outcomes
Course 1 – Logistics, Operations, and Supply Chain Management
Intended learning outcomes: Describe basic definitions, issues, and challenges. Identify business partners and business objects. Explain strategies in the entrepreneurial context. Disclose how performance is measured.
1.1 Basic Definitions, Issues, and Challenges
Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on terms of the working environment and of business life. Explain service orientation in the classical industry, product orientation in the service industry, and the industrial product-service system. Disclose the product life cycle, the synchronization of supply and demand, and the role of inventories. Produce an overview on supply chain management, the role of planning and control as well as the SCOR model.
1.2 Business Objects
Intended learning outcomes: Present business-partner, and order-related business objects in detail. Explain product-related, process-related, and resource-related business objects. Produce an overview on rough-cut business objects.
1.3 Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management Strategies in the Entrepreneurial Context
Intended learning outcomes: Differentiate between various entrepreneurial objectives in a company and in a supply chain. Explain resolving conflicting entrepreneurial objectives. Describe the customer order penetration point (OPP) and the coordination with product and process design. Produce an overview on the target area flexibility: investments in enabling organizations, processes, basic technologies, and technologies toward personalized production.
1.4 Performance Indicators and Performance Measurement
Intended learning outcomes: Present the basics of the measurement, meaning, and practical applicability of logistics performance indicators. Describe performance indicators in the target areas of quality, costs, delivery, and flexibility. Produce an overview on performance indicators of the primary entrepreneurial objective.
1.5 Summary
1.6 Keywords
1.7 Scenarios and Exercises
Intended learning outcomes: Describe improvements in meeting entrepreneurial objectives. Differentiate between entrepreneurial objectives and the ROI. Assessing the Economic Value Added (EVA) of Supply Chain Initiatives. Derive rough-cut business objects from detailed business objects.