Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

5.3.4b Overview of Scheduling and Capacity Management Techniques

Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on order-oriented infinite loading, order-wise infinite and finite loading, operations-oriented and order-oriented finite loading, constraint-oriented finite loading, load-oriented order release (Loor), capacity-oriented materials management (Corma).

Continuation from previous subsection (5.3.4)

The following describes infinite loading techniques. Infinite loading is frequently the best capacity planning method. In many companies, it is possible to modify labor capacities within one day by more than 50%.

  • Order-oriented infinite loading aims to achieve a high delivery reliability rate, or to meet the due date for production or procure­ment orders. In favor, over­capacity is often maintained intentionally. After scheduling (backward or forward, for example) all the orders, each scheduled operation represents a load at the speci­fied work center and in the time period containing its start date. The sum of all these loads is compared to the available capa­ci­ty for each time period. This yields load profiles showing the over­capacity or undercapacity for each work center and time period. The subsequent planning then attempts to balance capacity against load. This technique for infinite loading is also called capacity requirements planning (CRP), particular­ly in connection with software for capacity management. Some variations of CRP also exist. See Section 14.2.
  • Kanban and the cumulative production figures principle (CPFP) were introduced above in Section 5.3.2. These two simple materials management techniques serve at the same time as simple capacity management techniques. Execution control by the Kanban technique is a form of infinite loading. It assumes a very high level of flexibility of capacity in the immediate term. See Sections 6.3 and 6.4.
  • Order-wise infinite loading (order for order, individually): For firms handling small numbers of high-value-adding orders, such as for the production of special-purpose machines, planning takes place after loading each new order, or even after each new operation. As soon as an overload is detected, all work centers are checked, and load and capacity are adjusted until a feasible schedule is obtained. See Section 14.2.

The following describes finite loading techniques:

  • Operations-oriented finite loading aims to minimize the average delay of the production orders. The individual operations are planned time period by time period on the basis of orders, starting from the start date determined by lead-time scheduling. This means establishing meaningful rules of priority for the sequence in which operations are scheduled (sequencing rules), with the aim of achieving maximum throughput. The queues waiting upstream of the work centers are monitored and adjusted. This type of planning provides a process simulation for the coming days and weeks, that is, an actual working program for the shop floor, according to the planning horizon. See Section 14.3.1.
  • Order-oriented finite loading ensures that as many orders as possible are executed on time with low levels of goods in process. Orders are scheduled in their entirety, one after the other, in the time periods. The objective is to find priority rules that will enable as many orders as possible to be scheduled. Those orders that can­not be scheduled for completion on time by a computerized algo­rithm are highlighted for attention by the planner, who may decide to change order completion dates. See Section 14.3.2.
  • As bottlenecks control the throughput of a production system, constraint-oriented finite loading plans orders around bottleneck capacities. It follows a theory of constraints (TOC) approach. An application of this is drum-buffer-rope. Work centers feeding bottlenecks are scheduled at the rate the bottleneck can process. A time buffer inventory should be established before the bottleneck. A space buffer should be established after the bottle­neck. Work centers fed by the bottleneck have their throughput controlled by the bottleneck. See Section 14.3.3.
  • Load-oriented order release (Loor) has high load as its primary objective. Equally important are its secondary objectives of low levels of work-in-process, short lead times in the flow of goods, and delivery reliability. The aim of Loor is to adapt the load to the capacity that is actually available. Thanks to a heuristic, the matching of load to capacity can be limited to one time period. See Section 15.1.2.
  • Capacity-oriented materials management (Corma) plays off work-in-process against limited capacity and lead time for customer production orders. Corma makes intelligent use of capacity that is generally fully utilized, but available short term, by releasing stock replenishment orders earlier than needed. Thus, Corma follows the natural logic of production management as it is implemented in practice in many medium-sized companies that view stock replenishment orders as “filler” loadings. However, the benefit of improved utilization of capacity demands a price, as work-in-process increa­ses. See Section 15.1.3.
  • Order-wise finite loading (order for order, individually): In practice, this can be considered to be identical to order-wise infinite loading, with more flexibility in time axis.

All of these techniques can be used independently of company-organizational implementation of planning & control. Thus, they can be found in software packages of many kinds (ERP software or electronic control boards [Leitstand], simulation software, and so on). In one and the same enterprise, it is quite possible that the company will use different techniques for short-term planning and long-term planning.

Exercise: The animation groups techniques for scheduling and capacity management in nine sectors in dependency upon quantitative flexibility of capacity and flexibility of the order due date.
If you press the plus button, you will be able to see a definition. When you roll over some sectors, you might be able to see an example about it.

Course section 5.3: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes

  • 5.3.4b Overview of Scheduling and Capacity Management Techniques

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on order-oriented infinite loading, order-wise infinite and finite loading, operations-oriented and order-oriented finite loading, constraint-oriented finite loading, load-oriented order release (Loor), capacity-oriented materials management (Corma).

  • 5.3.5 Available-to-Promise (ATP) and Capable-to-Promise (CTP)

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain available-to-promise (ATP) and the determination of ATP quantities. Produce an overview on the techniques of multilevel available-to-promise (MLATP) and capable-to-promise (CTP).