Intended learning outcomes: Differentiate between strategies for the traditional market-oriented relationship, the customer-supplier partnership, the partnership relationship with intensive cooperation, and the virtual enterprise.
The animation below sums up the four business strategies along a supply chain mentioned in Section 2.2.2, Section 2.2.2b, Section 2.3.1, and Section 2.3.7.
By clicking on the four indicators you get the respective details for the different target areas quality, cost, delivery, and flexibility, as well as the entrepreneurial cooperation in the supply chain.
Please note the wording that stems from an earlier version, as follows.
- "traditional customer-supplier relation" instead of traditional market-oriented relationship,
- "supply management" instead of customer-supplier partnership,
- "supply chain management" instead of partnership relationship with intensive cooperation,
- and "virtual organisation" instead of virtual enterprise
Adaption of this interactive element is still pending.
Course section 2.7: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes
2.7 Scenarios and Exercises
Intended learning outcomes: Explain various aspects of the advanced logistics partnership (ALP) model. Evaluate different company relationships in the supply chain.
2.7.1 Scenario: Advanced Logistics Partnership (ALP)
Intended learning outcomes: Identify examples of local sourcing with world-class local suppliers (a feature of the ALP model). Disclose and analyze the situation of three companies making up a supply chain for processing a particular kind of timber, which grows in a particular region.
2.7.2 Scenario: Evaluate Company Relationships in the Supply Chain
Intended learning outcomes: Describe a supply chain in the wood industry as well as possible extensions. Explain and perform a classification of company relationships in this supply chain.
2.7.3 Exercise: Comparing Different Business Relationships in a Supply Chain — A Recapitulation
Intended learning outcomes: Differentiate between strategies for the traditional market-oriented relationship, the customer-supplier partnership, the partnership relationship with intensive cooperation, and the virtual enterprise.