Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

17.8.3 Exercise: Basic Master Data Objects

Intended learning outcomes: Describe how to transfer given data into the fundamental logistical object classes for the master data.

Take products A and B, as they were defined in the exercise in Section 16.7.2 (in other words, with the individual tools). Transfer the given data into the fundamental logistical object classes for the master data, as was shown in Figure or, namely:

  • Item
  • Bill-of-material position
  • Work center
  • Operation

To enter all the data, you will need two additional classes that were mentioned in Figure, namely:

  • Production equipment (tool, device, machine)
  • Bill of production equipment position

Determine all the necessary attributes and their values for the individual objects (entities) in these six classes.

Hints: The number of objects per class is as follows:
       ·     Item:                                                           3
       ·     Work center:                                             2
       ·     Production equipment:                            6 (2 machines and 4 tools / devices)
       ·     Bill-of-material position:                        2
       ·     Operation:                                                 4
       ·     Bill of production equipment position:   8 (2 products, each with 4 equipments)

Course section 17.8: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes