Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

17.8.1 Exercise: Different Forms of Representing Bills of Material

Intended learning outcomes: Identify various types of bills of material, given a graphical representation of the bill of material of two products.

Figure shows the bill of material for products A and K represented in the form of the familiar arborescent structure.

Fig.       Graphical representation of the bill of material of products A and K.

In parentheses, you see the quantity per of a component, if it is not equal to one. For example, product K is assembled from two units of component D, one unit of component 5, and three units of component 1. From the two bills of material above, derive the following forms of representation, according to Section 17.2.3:

  • All single-level bills of material
  • Two multilevel bills of material for final products A and K
  • Two summarized bills of material for final products A and K

Course section 17.8: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes