Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

13.8 References

ASCM22Pittman, P. et al., ASCM Dictionary, 17th Ed., APICS/ASCM, Chicago, 2022
Alba77 Albach, H. (Hrsg.), “Quantitative Wirtschafts­forschung,” in Ferschl, F., Ed., “Approximationsmethoden in der Theorie der Warteschlangen,” p. 185 ff., Verlag Mohr, Tübingen, 1977
Coop90 Cooper, R.B., “Queueing Theory,” Chap. 10, in Heyman, D.P., Sobel, M.J., Eds., “Stochastic Models,” North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990
Fers64 Ferschl, F., “Zufallsabhängige Wirtschaftsprozesse,” Physica, 1964
GrHa18 Gross, D., Harris, C.M., Shortle, J.F., Thompson, J.M., “Fundamentals of Queueing Theory,” 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2018
IBM75 IBM, “Executive Perspective of Manufacturing Control Systems,” IBM Brochure G360-0400-12, 1975
LyMi94 Lynes, K., Miltenburg, J., “The Application of an Open Queueing Network to the Analysis of Cycle Time, Variability, Throughput, Inventory and Cost in the Batch Production System of a Microelectronics Manufacturer,” International Journal of Production Economics, 37, 1994
Wien95 Wiendahl, H.P., “Load-Oriented Manufacturing Control,” Springer, Berlin, New York, 1995

Course 13: Sections and their intended learning outcomes

  • Course 13 – Time Management and Scheduling

    Intended learning outcomes: Present the elements of time management. Explain in detail knowledge on buffers and queues. Disclose scheduling of orders and scheduling algorithms. Describe splitting and overlapping.

  • 13.1 Elements of Time Management

    Intended learning outcomes: Describe the order of the operations of a production order, operation time and operation load, the elements of interoperation time, administrative time, and transportation time.

  • 13.2 Logistic Buffers and Logistic Queues

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain wait time, buffers, the funnel model, and queues as an effect of random load fluctuations. Present conclusions for job shop production. Produce an overview on logistic operating curves.

  • 13.3 Scheduling of Orders and Scheduling Algorithms

    Intended learning outcomes: Describe the manufacturing calendar and the calculation of the manufacturing lead time. Differentiate between Backward Scheduling and Forward Scheduling. Explain network planning, central point scheduling, the lead-time stretching factor, and probable scheduling. Present scheduling of process trains.