Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

3.7 References

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Course 3: Sections and their intended learning outcomes

  • Course 3 – Supply Chain Design: Location Planning and Sustainability

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce design options for global production, distribution, service, and transportation networks. Describe location selection / configuration for a production network using qualitative / quantitative methods. Explain the concept of sustainability with reference to the triple bottom line. Disclose economic opportunities for social and environmental commitment as well as energy management concepts.

  • 3.1 Design Options for Integrated Production, Distribution, Service, and Transportation Networks

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain design options for global production networks, distribution networks, service networks, and transportation networks. Describe the network structure for decentralized distribution, and design options for retail networks. Disclose the integration of the portfolios.

  • 3.2 Location Selection and Location Configuration

    Intended learning outcomes: Differentiate between location selection and location configuration. Explain location selection using qualitative methods and factor rating. Describe location selection and location configuration with linear programming.

  • 3.3 Sustainable Supply Chains

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain the changing concept of sustainability with reference to the triple bottom line. Disclose economic opportunities for social commitment and for environmental commitment. Describe energy management concepts and measures for improved environmental performance. Produce an overview on the measurement of the environmental performance. Present social and environmental dimensions in industrial practice.