Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

ILO of Courses (without book)

Courses and Their Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

  • Course 1 – Logistics, Operations, and Supply Chain Management

    Intended learning outcomes: Describe basic definitions, issues, and challenges. Identify business partners and business objects. Explain strategies in the entrepreneurial context. Disclose how performance is measured.

  • Course 2 – Supply Chain Design: Business Relations and Risks

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain concepts such as the make-or-buy decision, tariff-orientation and total cost of ownership in a global supply chain. Differentiate strategic design options for the relationships with and the selection of suppliers. Disclose strategies for intensive cooperation in the supply chain. Describe identification, assessment and handling of supply chain risks.

  • Course 3 – Supply Chain Design: Location Planning and Sustainability

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce design options for global production, distribution, service, and transportation networks. Describe location selection / configuration for a production network using qualitative / quantitative methods. Explain the concept of sustainability with reference to the triple bottom line. Disclose economic opportunities for social and environmental commitment as well as energy management…

  • Course 4 – Business Process Analysis and Concepts for Planning & Control

    Intended learning outcomes: Explain important techniques in business process engineering. Describe characteristic features relevant to planning & control in supply chains. Disclose fundamental concepts in logistics and operations management.

  • Course 9 – ERP Software and SCM Software

    Intended learning outcomes: Describe software used for logistics purposes. Explain contents of logistics software packages. Disclose factors for successful implementation of logistics software.

  • Course 10 – Demand Planning and Demand Forecasting

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview of forecasting techniques. Explain history-oriented techniques for constant demand in detail. Identify history-oriented techniques with trend-shaped behavior. Describe three future-oriented techniques. Disclose how to use forecasts in planning.

  • Course 11 – Inventory Management and Stochastic Materials Management

    Intended learning outcomes: Describe usage statistics, analyses, and classifications. Explain in detail the order point technique. Disclose how to calculate safety stock. Differentiate various batch or lot sizing techniques.

  • Course 12 – Deterministic Materials Management

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce an overview on demand and available inventory along the time axis. Describe deterministic determination of independent demand. Explain in detail the deterministic determination of dependent demand (Material Requirements Planning, MRP). Differentiate various lot sizing techniques. Disclose how to analyze the results of the MRP.

  • Course 13 – Time Management and Scheduling

    Intended learning outcomes: Present the elements of time management. Explain in detail knowledge on buffers and queues. Disclose scheduling of orders and scheduling algorithms. Describe splitting and overlapping.

  • Course 14 – Capacity Management

    Intended learning outcomes: Present fundamentals of capacity management. Explain in detail load profile calculation and infinite loading. Disclose finite loading. Describe rough-cut capacity planning.

  • Course 15 – Order Release and Control

    Intended learning outcomes: Differentiate various techniques for order release. Explain in detail shop floor control. Present methods and techniques used for order monitoring and shop floor data collection. Describe distribution control.

  • Course 16 – Cost Estimation, Job-Order Costing, and Activity-Based Costing

    Intended learning outcomes: Produce a review on costs, cost elements, and cost structures. Explain cost estimation in detail. Describe job-order costing. Disclose activity-based costing.