Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

6.5.1 Implementing Procedure

Intended learning outcomes: Identify Features of various techniques of materials management. Describe Procedures in implementing effective logistics: lean/JIT.

Figure lists as features some important prerequisites and effects that can be used as criteria when choosing one or the other of the tech­niques of materials management discussed above. The cumulative produc­tion figures principle does not appear as a separate technique. Its effects are approximately analogous to the Kanban technique with continuous demand.

Fig.        Features of various techniques of materials management.

Figures and show strategy and a way of proceeding when im­plementing effective logistics. This is based on the JIT concepts in Section 6.2 and the comparison of techni­ques in Section 5.3.2. The consid­erations shown in the figures hold for the entire value-adding chain, independently of whether the chain is within a single company or is a transcorporate chain.

Fig.        Procedures in implementing effective logistics: lean/JIT.

Fig.        Procedures in implementing effective logistics: choosing techniques of materials management.

The lean / just-in-time concept should be implemented first and independently of the technique to be chosen for materials management. The points raised in Figure then serve to distinguish among the individual techniques of materials management. [Will15] develops practical methods and tools for assessing the progress of implementation of „lean thinking“ in manufacturing.

Course section 6.5: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes