Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

20.2.2 The ARIS Tool Set and Various Dimensions in the Modeling of Information Systems for Business Processes

Intended learning outcomes: Present the various dimensions of the ARIS tool set for modeling information systems for business processes. Explain the dimension of four views and the dimension of three descriptive levels.

In past years, there have been several attempts to translate the complexity of an information system into a concept for development of information systems. A research consortium in an EU project developed the modeling framework called CIMOSA (Computer Integrated Manufacturing Open System Architec­ture). See here [Espr93]. The CIMOSA approach is the basis of numerous further models and tool sets. Probably the best known of the tool sets is the ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems) Tool Set [Sche00]. See here also [Sche98c]. Figure shows the ARIS model as a house with three dimensions:

Fig.       ARIS Tool Set for modeling information systems for business processes: The dimension of four views and the dimension of three descriptive levels.

First, the dimension of hierarchy creation, or the principle of proceeding from the general to the particular, as mentioned also in Section 19.1.1. This di­mension does not find direct expression in Figure But it is real­ized in the ARIS Tool Set in that each process in the control view can be bro­ken down further into its subprocesses in a new diagram. This corre­sponds to creating a component hierarchy, as shown in Section 20.2.3.

Second, the dimension of the four views of the information system, namely, the organization view, data view (object view is a more extensive term), function view, and control view (often called the process view). For each of the four views, there are different modeling methods. Certain methods handle only one view, and other methods attempt to combine several views. In addition, certain tools handle further views. The ad­van­­tage of methods that deal with only one view is mostly their simplicity. But the combining of the four views must then be carried out by the observer of the model, using the support tools. In the ARIS Tool Set the com­bination takes place, for example, via the control view, or process view.

Third, the dimension of system phases, or phases of life of a system, is identified here with the three descriptive levels process design, data processing (DP) concept, and (technical) implementation. With reference to the phases in Section 19.1.2, the process design corresponds to the preliminary study and the main study. The DP concept corresponds to the main and detailed studies, and the technical implementation to system establishment.

Course section 20.2: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes