Intended learning outcomes: Differentiate between the main characteristics of several picking strategies, by listing the advantages and disadvantages of each, and deriving possible fields of application.
As depicted in Figure, discrete order picking, batch picking, sequential picking, and parallel, or zone, picking result in four common picking strategies. Point out the main characteristics of the following picking strategies. List the advantages and disadvantages of each. Derive possible fields of application:
a. Sequential, discrete order picking
b. Zone, or parallel, batch picking
a. Sequential, discrete order picking
· Most common method of picking
· Pickers fill all open positions of an order before work on picking the next order can begin
· Based on a picking list that contains an optimal routing
· Maintains order integrity
· Minimum of organizational efforts
· Simple to execute and easy to control
· Direct fill responsibility
· Required time for picking
· Decreasing efficiency with growing order size
· Large number of pickers needed
Possible fields of application:
· Small warehouses, low inventory turnover, low performance, small orders
b. Zone, or parallel, batch picking
· Several orders are aggregated by product (as batch), the entire batch withdrawn, and the discrete orders reassembled in a consolidation area
· Batches are picked parallel in different zones of the warehouse and then merged in the consolidation area
· Reduced travel and fill times
· Low picking time due to parallel zones
· Improved supervision of order completion in consolidation area
· Increased picking accuracy and productivity due to zones
· Picker familiarity with zone products
· Double handling and sorting in the consolidation area
· Space and labor for consolidation area
· Difficult tracing and control of orders
· Requires high-volume picking
Possible fields of application:
· Large orders, high number of orders, large warehouses, products with different storage requirements (e.g., flammable goods, refrigerated goods)
Course section 15.7: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes
15.7 Scenarios and Exercises
Intended learning outcomes: Calculate examples for load-oriented order release (Loor) and for finite forward scheduling. Assess characteristics of capacity-oriented materials management (Corma) and of order Picking.
15.7.1 Exercise: Load-Oriented Order Release (Loor)
Intended learning outcomes: Explain the Loor algorithm with given data for a scheduling problem, considering anticipation, loading percentage, and conversion factor.
15.7.2 Exercise: Corma — Capacity-Oriented Materials Management
Intended learning outcomes: Describe results of applying the capacity-oriented materials management (Corma) principle in order release.
5.7.3 Scenario: Finite Forward Scheduling
Intended learning outcomes: Perform finite forward scheduling for eight products manufactured on three machines by using a Gantt-type chart.
15.7.4 Scenario: Order Picking
Intended learning outcomes: Differentiate between the main characteristics of several picking strategies, by listing the advantages and disadvantages of each, and deriving possible fields of application.