Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

11.7.1 Exercise: ABC Category and ABC Classification

Intended learning outcomes: Determine meaningful ABC categories of some items and perform the ABC classification.

This exercise refers to Subsection 11.2.2. Perform an ABC classification for the items shown in the table in Figure, separately for two ABC categories 1 and 2. Class A accounts for 75% of sales turnover, and items in the B class account for 90% of turnover. Why does it often make sense to perform separate classifications for two or more ABC categories? Is your classification of the items as A, B, or C the only possible solution?

Fig.       Sales and ABC categories of some items.


The division of the items into two categories for a meaningful ABC classi­fication is necessary so that like items can be compared; the categories will reflect different types of items, such as individual parts and final products.

The classifications in the solution above do not represent the only possible solution. Certain classifications can be problematic around the break points. For example, why should item 4711 receive the classification B, while items 8639 and 9050 are assigned to classification C?

Course section 11.7: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes