Intended learning outcomes: Present basic principles of modeling. Differentiate various dimensions in the modeling of information systems for business processes. Describe the dimension of hierarchy creation and the dimension of various views in modeling.
Particularly with IT-supported information systems, exact depiction of both objects and processes of the enterprise is indispensable for purposeful processing of information. Because of the complexity of the sociotechnical system enterprise, it is not surprising that modeling is used for this. The first section below therefore first of all presents the basic principles of modeling.
Because no single and generally valid model for an enterprise information system can be found, the sections further below present a common framework within which the different models can be arranged. The framework comprises three different dimensions.
Course section 20.2: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes
20.2 Modeling Enterprise Information Systems
Intended learning outcomes: Present basic principles of modeling. Differentiate various dimensions in the modeling of information systems for business processes. Describe the dimension of hierarchy creation and the dimension of various views in modeling.
20.2.1 Basic Principles of Modeling
Intended learning outcomes: Describe, as a basic problem in modeling, how the quality of a system image is affected by the person who designs the model.
20.2.2 The ARIS Tool Set and Various Dimensions in the Modeling of Information Systems for Business Processes
Intended learning outcomes: Present the various dimensions of the ARIS tool set for modeling information systems for business processes. Explain the dimension of four views and the dimension of three descriptive levels.
20.2.3 Whole-Part Hierarchy, and Specialization Hierarchy
Intended learning outcomes: Differentiate between the component hierarchy, or whole-part hierarchy, and the specialization hierarchy.
20.2.3b Association Hierarchy, or Determination Hierarchy
Intended learning outcomes: Explain the association hierarchy, or determination hierarchy.
20.2.4 Dimension: Various Views in Modeling Enterprise Information Systems
Intended learning outcomes: Explain the four views of information systems for business processes. Differentiate between process-oriented modeling, function-oriented modeling, object-oriented modeling, and task-oriented modeling.
Course 20: Sections and their intended learning outcomes
Course 20 – Selected Sections of Information Management
Intended learning outcomes: Produce a review of important terms in information management. Disclose the modeling of operational information systems. Explain in detail the modeling of information systems in the data view and object view.
20.1 Important Terms in Information Management
Intended learning outcomes: Produce definitions for terms from colloquial language that are easily understood by employees, such as for information, data, information technology, information system, database.
20.2 Modeling Enterprise Information Systems
Intended learning outcomes: Present basic principles of modeling. Differentiate various dimensions in the modeling of information systems for business processes. Describe the dimension of hierarchy creation and the dimension of various views in modeling.
20.3 Modeling Information Systems in the Data View and Object View
Intended learning outcomes: Present terms such as object, attribute, object class, view, primary and secondary keys. Explain basic concepts such as association, association role and type. Describe the breaking up of an n-to-n association – in particular a reflexive one – and the association class. Disclose the use of the hierarchical constructs for developing a company-wide generic object model.
20.4 Summary
20.5 Keywords