Integral Logistics Management — Operations Management and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies

17.5.2 The Engineering Database as Part of a Computerized System

Intended learning outcomes: Describe the integration of order processing by an EDMS (engineering data management system).

When implementing EDM, there are and always have been various options concerning the conceptual and technical aspects (see Section 5.4.1). The functionality of the individual links may differ greatly, depending on the direction of each link.

An engineering data management system (EMDS) is a database manage­ment system that links physically separate databases using the principle of a data warehouse as shown in Figure The principle works as follows:

Fig.       Integration of order processing by an EDMS (engineering data management system). (From [EiHi91]).

Data are stored in the databases provided by the local software. Whenever data are modified, the changes are transferred to the local database. When a department requests data from the EDMS, it knows the location of all the data in the local databases, but is not aware of the values. The EDMS queries the local database to determine the value of the data and transfers the answers to the system. If there are m IT-supported technologies, then there will be up to m interfaces. Frequently requested data are also kept in a redundant central database that is connected to the EDMS. If there is no online interface, the data are transferred in batch mode by extraction programs and declared free-format files.

Course section 17.5: Subsections and their intended learning outcomes